We contribute to human development in all its dimensions through the promotion of education, promotion of cultural activity, promotion of health and cooperation for the development of society.

At Grupo Metelmex we have always distinguished ourselves by helping others, which is why year after year we have decided to contribute a percentage of our sales to support our community in areas such as health, community, sports, culture, education, among others. For this reason and concerned about advancing in this work, we decided to establish a foundation and it was on September 18, 2013 that Fundación Metelmex A.C. was born.

Provide the necessary means to the community, with the sole purpose of helping.

Increase our ability to help the community.

Altruism: Disinterested care of the good of others, even at the expense of one’s own and based on a purely natural morality.

Humanized Treatment: Through solidarity, honest and humble commitment with respect for the dignity of the human being.

Excellence: Based on continuous improvement, with responsibility, professionalism and teamwork.



The Metelmex Foundation, supports the Monclova nursing home through monthly donations, which contribute to the maintenance of the campus and its essential needs


The Local Municipality is supported in the different cultural events carried out by them with floats, and donations to the house of culture.


Various associations are supported to help the next, such as Asilo de Ancianos, Casa del Peregrino, Casa Hogar Galilea, these supports are made directly and in cash. It is also supported with prescriptions and free consultations, funeral aid is granted to the neighbors closest to the company.


The educational institutions closest to the company are supported through different hardware, construction, industrial equipment, etc. In addition to this, labor is provided for the different repairs that the schools require. Likewise, cash incentives are granted to associations aimed at promoting rural education such as the Friends of the Desert (Amigos del desierto).


Recurrence: Annual donation

Location: Monclova, Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundationsupports the Monclova nursing home through monthly donations, which contribute to the maintenance of the campus and its essential needs.

Recurrence: Annual cash donation

Location: Central Region in Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundation supports the most vulnerable communities in the region through donations delivered to Misión Campesina, AC (Amigos del Desierto) (Friends of the Desert).

Recurrence: Annual donation

Location: Frontera, Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundation supports the elderly through donations that help for the monthly support of the elderly, essential needs of the campus.

Recurrence: Non-fixed donation

Location: Border, Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundation donated a water pipe for a social support event for children with hearing problems. Activities are carried out to raise funds for his cochlear implant surgical treatment

Recurrence: Non-fixed donation

Location: Border, Coahuila.

Through Metelmex Foundation, support was provided to one of our collaborators for specialized care for his child in Mexico City at the Shriners Hospital.

Recurrence: Annual donation

Location: Monclova, Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundation delivered a refrigerator to the institution so that it can continue to carry out its altruistic work. They provide food, lodging and spiritual assistance to the relatives of hospitalized patients.

Recurrence: Annual donation

Location: Monclova, Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundation made a donation to rehabilitate the fence of the “Capitán Escuela Lemuel García Burciaga” school, which was left in excellent condition.

Recurrence: Annual project donation

Location: Border, Coahuila.

Metelmex Foundation managed the means for the rehabilitation of the cyclonic mesh perimeter fence of the Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez elementary school, since it was in poor condition, for which it was rehabilitated.

If you want to know more about Metelmex, please contact us to obtain a personal assessment.

Visit our YouTube Chanel to know more about METELMEX and its history of service.