How to Protect Steel against Corrosion

When it comes to protection of corrosion to iron or steel, the answer is galvanization. A Steel Structure normally suffers reparation, scratches or is rewelded in certain areas (after being galvanized). These usually contaminate the whole piece. A fastest and easiest way to protect these areas is adding layers of Zinc Paint.

This rich zinc coating is also known as Cathodic Paint Protection. Its main objective is to stop oxidation through a self-sacrifice mechanism, preventing oxidation in areas where previous coatings were damaged.

When properly formulated, it guarantees protection and prevents additional expenses of further coatings to steel surfaces that are exposed to corrosive environments. This is achieved through the use of a very fine zinc dust that is dispersed in a binder (normally one type of resin) completing an electrochemical cell when applied on steel.

How to apply it? Since rich zinc paints have to be in direct contact with steel you have to clean the desired area to be protected. During the cleaning process, is recommended to sandblast the area to ensure the removal of remaining paints or rust. Otherwise, impurity acts as a non-conductor affecting the proper adhesion and protective action of paint into steel.

Zinc Paint should be applied in the structure immediately after being sandblasted. It can also be sprayed. Make sure that the selected brand of paint offers triple protection (short and long term, and against abrasion) and that’s it, once again you have protected steel from corrosion.

Applying Zinc Paint on Structural Steel such as Steel Bar Grating ensures high protection and abrasiveness.  You can learn more of the Benefits of Galvanized steel Structures.

Share your zinc painting experience with us! If you have any further question, feel free to do so, we will be glad to help you.

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