What is an Architectural Grating Fence?

When it comes to style and durability in a residential or commercial construction grating fence becomes the best alternative fitting also security matters. Provides protection against intruders, sometimes it also helps leading transportation or pedestrians to complex entries. 

An Architectural Grating Fence is more resistant than conventional wire mesh as it ensures longer service life and aesthetic projects.

Providing a contemporary finish, this type of fence can be easily modulated according to dimensions of the developing project. 

Different types of fence exist, the bigger and thicker the bearing bars are, the more resistant the fence is. Due to its fabrication process you can include more or less cross rods  changing the style of the product too. Either type of fence can be customized on curved or irregular shapes ensuring a correct and easy installation.

For installation and assembly is recommended to use round or rectangular posts. They can anchored to an existing foundation or built-up area.

Depending on the future use or environment, it is important to select a proper finish for the fence. Galvanizing is a common one since it helps a steel structure last up to 60 years. If you are willing to match architectural elements to the fence you should think about selecting powder coating. This works perfectly, offering a wide range of colors and protection.

Some ornamental or security applications for architectural grating fence are: fences, louvers, balconies, railings and enclosed areas.

Take advice with the experts!

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