Benefits of Galvanized Steel Structures

Hot-Dip Galvanizing is an industrial finishing process that provides corrosion protection to steel structures. By immersing structures in a bath of 450 °C molten zinc, structures adhere several layers of zinc extending its life for many more years. This process is the maximum corrosion protection for any product made of steel, is a coating used in […]

4 most common mistakes in Steel Bar Grating Installation

Steel Bar Grating ensures better performance than other type of Industrial Floorings in industrial and Architectural Projects. Its functionality depends directly on its installation. When this is not carried out in a good way, its durability, strength and aesthetic are normally affected. After the assembly, is common to identify installation mistakes. Since reparation is expensive, the […]

Achieving Resistance and Safety on Industrial Floorings

When planning large projects such as industrial plants, commercial buildings or offices, you usually seek to obtain the highest quality in every single aspect. Personnel transiting during operation requires a safe working environment. In this article, we’ll explain how to achieve greater Resistance and Safety on Industrial Flooring. Industrial Flooring should be designed to withstand some […]

How to Protect Steel against Corrosion

When it comes to protection of corrosion to iron or steel, the answer is galvanization. A Steel Structure normally suffers reparation, scratches or is rewelded in certain areas (after being galvanized). These usually contaminate the whole piece. A fastest and easiest way to protect these areas is adding layers of Zinc Paint. This rich zinc coating is also […]

Steel Bar Grating Certifications

Any project should ensure quality in its construction materials. Quality is so important to client satisfaction  that steel bar grating manufacturing companies seek to obtain fabrication process certifications in order to supply the highest possible quality. These certifications are established by international organizations whose objective is to standardize requirements throughout the world regarding quality management: […]

Types of Steel Bar Grating

What does Steel Bar Grating is?  Also known as bar grating or just Grating, which is produced through the electroforged process. This consists in welding steel cross rods to perpendicular and equidistant bearing bars. This is achieved through high current and high mechanical pressure discharges, fusing the molecular elements of both components without placing filler material, […]

Steel Bar Grating Finishes

Steel Bar grating is a functional product that has been in the market for decades helping the industry in several ways, such as industrial flooring, catwalks, antiskid flooring in humid plants, among many other uses. Its contemporary look is nowadays attracting architects to use it as an architectural alternative as fence, faÁ§ade, louver, and other […]

Structural Steel Fabrication

Structural Steel is implemented in numerous ways. It´s versatility helps actual contractors to mold structures to the project´s requirements, in addition its high resistance compared to other construction alternatives guarantees the developer an enduring project. Steel Fabrication is divided in two primary categories: Some commonly known light structures are: safety ladders, marine stairs, catwalks, among […]

Architectural Louvers

Within the range of architectural products louvers are proposed by architects as structures to hide specific objects, but simultaneously permitting ventilation throughout that covered area. They are used in residential and industrial projects, normally hiding power plants, air conditioners, ducts and other elements. Due to its apparent lightness, louvers are easily integrated to the architectural and structural environment as […]